The Achievements of the COAFB in NBSAP Implementation

The Achievements of the COAFB in NBSAP Implementation

Taiwan has warm climate and abundant rainfall due to its geographical location. Striated with valleys and rivers, this mountainous island has a large elevation ranges. Around 61% of the island is forested area. Taiwan has a great variety of ecological environment, and therefore supports a rich diversity of animal and plant resources. There are around 58,000 identified species in Taiwan, which means an average of 1.6 species per square kilometers. The number of species in Taiwan is 150 times of the global average, and about a third of them are endemic. The number of marine species in surrounding seas is 361 times of the world average. The number of species found in Taiwan and the rarities of some species are globally renowned. It has great importance both in academic research and resources conservation. 
The Forestry Bureau has long implemented forest management and nature conservation in line with our core values of “maintaining the forest ecosystem and conserving natural resources.” The aim is keeping the sustainability of forests and natural resources. This work consists of the followings: forest ecosystem management, land management and forest protection, afforestation and utilization of forest products, remediation and restoration, protection forest management, development of forest recreation, nature conservation, aerial survey data collection and use, etc. While continuing to perform our existing forest management duties, we have also been taking on many new tasks such as reasonable management of plantations, increasing timber self-sufficient rate and promoting the development of forestry industry. We are planning to consolidate national forest recreation areas, nature education centers, forest culture parks, lowland forest parks and national trail system in order to develop a comprehensive national forest eco-tourism network. The Forestry Bureau is working to connect Central Mountain Range Conservation Corridor and low elevation mountain areas to establish a green network for land conservation as well as for deepening the root of Satoyama Initiative. We hope to achieve the multi-purpose, sustainable utilization of forests, and meet the public's high expectations.
Reducing forest cover around the world, climate change, unbalanced environment and species extinction are severe challenges that human needs to face for our future survival. Forests are important natural resources for many countries, and are an integral part of environmental protection. To encounter the global environment changes, the goal of the Forestry Bureau's future efforts include: (1) forest management that promote the wise use of forest resources in the context of conservation and land protection in the pursuit of maximum welfare of the people and towards sustainable forestry consistent with production, livelihood and ecology; (2) commitment to nature and biodiversity conservation outside of working circles in the national forest.
Hits / 1173   Update / 2016-12-06


地址:臺北市南港區研究院路二段128號 新溫室104室


