The First International Conference of Ecoagricultu

The First International Conference of Ecoagriculture and Satoyama Initiative, Taiwan


IPSI Newsletter, October 2015

The First International Conference of Ecoagriculture and Satoyama Initiative, Taiwan was held on September 23 2015 in Jian Township of Hualien County, Taiwan. IPSI members SWAN International and National Dong-Hwa University were organizers and collaborators of the conference, together with Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (HDARES), Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture, Forestry Bureau and Rural Development Foundation. The conference aimed to share experience and knowledge relevant to the Satoyama Initiative and Ecoagriculture in Taiwan, as well as how relevant concepts and practices have been implemented globally.

Wataru Suzuki and Kaoru Ichikawa from the IPSI Secretariat were invited to present the basic concept of the Satoyama Initiative, the formation and development of IPSI, and the Indicators of Resilience in SEPLS. Speakers from several other IPSI member organizations were among the speakers, including Prof Kuang-Chung Lee from National Dong Hwa University, Dr. Jung-Tai Chao of Swan International and representing the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, and Ms. Yun-Ru Fang of the Environmental Ethics Foundation of Taiwan (EEFT). The speakers and participants were provided with a wide variety of opportunities to learn about SEPLS management on the east coast of Taiwan. It was also mentioned that there is a strong hope to establish a national network in Taiwan for the Satoyama Initiative. If this comes to be realized, it will be the second national network, following Japan where the initiative was first proposed.

Throughout the conference, it was impressive that the concept of the Satoyama Initiative has been incorporated to various levels of projects on the east coast of Taiwan in close collaboration with national agencies, research and educational institutions and local communities. These activities in Taiwan can provide valuable lessons for all IPSI members.

Hits / 1736   Update / 2016-12-06


地址:臺北市南港區研究院路二段128號 新溫室104室


